Bethany’s Pitch

or, Why You Should Read My Book

Queensmen is my first novel. It took me ten years to write, and whenever I look at the final product, I consider it time well spent. This story moves me, and in the hubris of assuming others might feel the same way, I’m emboldened to share it with the world!

Queensmen is a fantasy novel, in the sense that it’s set in an imaginary world, but there’s no magic, no dragons, and no elves. It’s a world much like you might find on Earth a thousand years ago—shaped by the religion, culture, and politics of the people who inhabit it.

One part romance, two parts adventure, and one part political intrigue. This is a story about loss, relationships, moral compromise, disguise and perception.

It’s also really, really good. Well. I think so. I might be biased.