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Our History

The Beginnings

To understand the history of Christian Challenge you have to know the founders. Christian Challenge was founded by Lawrence “Buddy” Martin (but nobody knows him as “Lawrence”!) in 1976 but its beginnings go back even further than that.

Bro. Buddy was a pastor and evangelist with the United Pentecostal Church beginning in the mid 1960’s, soon after his marriage to Betty Green in Colorado, herself the daughter of a United Pentecostal Church pastor. However, the Lord began to deal with Bro. Buddy about some of the “mis-teachings” of that organization, especially with regard to salvation issues. In 1971 he let his ministerial license drop with the UPC denomination and served in a local church in Lafayette, LA. During this time the Lord continued to heal his heart and bring him to a clearer view of salvation by grace through faith.

In 1974 he formally left the UPC denomination and shortly thereafter was led by the Lord to pastor an independent Pentecostal church in Mora, a rural community in northwest Rapides Parish. However, he felt the call to begin a “School for Christian Workers” that would not be affiliated with any denomination and would provide training for Christians who could not pull up roots to go to Bible school.

On March 9, 1976 Christian Challenge held its first service in Boyce, LA, in a closed-down grocery store. The ministry registered as “Christian Challenge Incorporated” (later changed to “Christian Challenge International”) and the sign next to the door simply read “School for Christian Workers.” The name “Christian Challenge” was partly influenced by “Teen Challenge,” a ministry to New York gangs whose story is told in the book “The Cross and the Switchblade” which greatly challenged Bro. Buddy’s faith.

The Early Years

Over the next couple of years the ministry grew and it became clear that it needed to move to serve its growing congregation, which came from all over Central Louisiana. In 1978 the ministry moved to Pineville and rented part of “the old Rent-It Company” building (now a law office near the intersection of Hwy 28E and the Pineville Expressway, under the water tower). The ministry continued to grow, eventually renting the entire building.

In the mid-1980’s it became plain that it was time to build. Bro. Buddy had taught a debt-free lifestyle of faith and he led Christian Challenge to believe God to build without borrowing money. From 1986-1990 CCI built a 12,000 square foot worship center at 300 Pearce Road. It took four years, during which time the members of the church did the work as the Lord provided the money. From time to time the Lord would bring someone along to donate special skills, such as plumbing, electrical work, roofing, etc, all in His perfect timing. In 1990 the first service was held in the nearly completed building and not a penny was ever borrowed!

During this time the Martin’s oldest son, Nathan, had felt a call to the mission field. He was attending Louisiana College but transferred to King’s Way Missionary Institute in McAllen, TX. He returned to Pineville to serve briefly on staff and to help with construction but in December, 1986 he moved to southern Mexico to serve as a church planter. Over the next four years he helped oversee or plant 13 churches in the Mexican states of Oaxaca and Veracruz. He married Lori Chapman of McAllen in 1987 and they had their first of three daughters while living in Mexico. Those churches are part of the “International” aspect of Christian Challenge.

Passing the Mantle

In November, 1990, Nathan & Lori returned to CCI to serve as associate pastor. Over the next several years he served in many capacities – as youth pastor, worship leader, office manager, children’s worker, missions director, School for Christian Workers director, etc.

God blessed Christian Challenge and it continued to reach out to the Central Louisiana community. New ministries sprouted, Christian workers were trained and many lives were touched. During this time CCI built a parsonage, completely debt free, all the while continuing its ministry of “making disciples.” CCI also has had a strong presence in the community, providing leadership in many multi-church efforts, such as March for Jesus, Promise Keepers and the Franklin Graham Crusade. We believe the body of Christ is much bigger than our local fellowship and it has been our honor to promote Jesus, not CCI!

In 2006, after 30 years of leading CCI, Bro. Buddy was diagnosed with Lymphoma. In the fall of that year he began taking chemotherapy and he turned over the practical leadership of the church to Nathan. In December of 2006 Nathan was installed as Senior Pastor and Bro. Buddy took on the role of “Founding Pastor” to allow him to focus on his treatment and to transition CCI into the future that the Lord had been planning.

In 2007 Bro. Buddy completed his treatment. Then, three months later in a routine follow-up he was informed that the cancer was back and was now in his bone marrow. He was referred to M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX for a bone marrow transplant as it was beyond the capacity of the local hospital to deal with.

Expect the Unexpected

Obviously this dealt the entire church quite an emotional blow. However, during this time during one of his regular morning devotionals the Lord spoke to Bro. Buddy’s heart to “expect the unexpected.” Not completely sure what that meant, he shared it by faith with the entire congregation and urged them to continue believing God for His perfect will to be done and for God to be glorified in whatever happened. Then the unexpected happened! M.D. Anderson ran a complete set of tests to determine their course of action and the outcome of every test showed no signs of cancer!!! God had performed a verifiable miracle to bring glory to Himself! Thus the phrase “Expect the Unexpected” became part of the DNA of Christian Challenge.

Bro. Buddy continues to minister by writing and mentoring. He has a passion to reach out to those caught in religious bondage to legalism as he was previously. In addition to his in-person ministries at Christian Challenge, he is the author of a teaching blog and leads two active online discussion forums. He also provides numerous Bible studies that have blessed countless people all over the world. He frequently says that Nathan’s role is to “pastor the flock” and his role is to “pastor the pastor.”

Bro. Nathan continues to guide Christian Challenge into its new future. Since his installation as Senior Pastor several new ministries have been developed including the CARE Team (water outreaches, etc), Angel Food Ministries and the First Class Home School Coop. He is most excited about the development of the Community Groups that provide Community, Authenticity, Relationships and Encouragement in a small group setting. His passion for what God is doing and will do through Christian Challenge is infectious. Truly he expects the unexpected!